
Chart For Carbon Monoxide Click for parameter information.

Select one or more stations to see the result history for Carbon Monoxide. If you wish, a date range can be entered to limit the data results. If no dates are specified, results for the last week will be displayed.

Date display range

Data is retained for up to three years. Please note that in some cases, less than three years of data may be available.
Last Sample
Moncton – Thanet Street (Government of New Brunswick) 2024-07-27 10:00
Saint John – Castle Street (Government of New Brunswick) 2024-07-27 10:00

For information about how air quality conditions may affect your health, please consult the current Air Quality Health Index values.

No data found for the specified parameters.
You can zoom the chart in by clicking and dragging on an area. To zoom back out, double click on the chart.

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Hourly Average Values:
