Flood Details - 1997-05-17 - 1997-05-24
Saint John
Saint John
Heavy rain
Affected Areas
Saint John River Basin: Prior to May 17, the water levels in the lower Saint John River were high following the spring freshet of May 3-14. Heavy rains fell in the middle and upper portions of the Saint John River basin on May 17, causing river discharges to increase greatly. Water levels in the lower Saint John River increased to levels moderately above flood stage. There were no reports of problems due to the minor flooding.
Nepisiguit River Basin: Exceptionally high water levels occurred on the Nepisiguit River following the rain. Snowmelt was probably a significant contributor to the runoff in the headwaters. Only minor flooding was reported.
Over 50 millimetres of rain fell in portions of the middle and upper Saint John River basin. At Nictau, 47 millimetres of rain were reported to have fallen.
Location Flood Level(m) Period of Flooding Peak Water Level(m) Time of Peak Water Level
Fredericton 6.5 17:00 May 17 to 07:00 May 20 6.80 07:00 May 18
Maugerville 5.8 07:00 May 19 to 07:00 May 20 5.85 07:00 May 19
Jemseg 4.3 07:00 May 18 to May 24 4.59 07:00 May 20
Table 4 - May 18-24, 1997 Flood Water Levels on Lower Saint John River