Flood Details - 1997-05-03 - 1997-05-14
Gondola Point
Gondola Point
Heavy rain
Affected Areas
Saint John River Basin: Cool April weather allowed the ice cover to break up gradually at lower river discharges. Ice jams caused little or no flooding. Warmer weather and precipitation in late April and early May increased river discharges, causing water levels to exceed flood stage in the lower Saint John River in May.
At Fredericton and Jemseg, the water level surpassed flood stage on May 3. Water levels dropped below flood stage at Fredericton on May 6, but Jemseg water levels remained above flood stage until May 14. Intermittent precipitation maintained relatively high river discharges after May 6, and tended to prolong the period of minor flooding in the Jemseg area.
The basement of a home at Gondola Point on Kennebecasis River was flooded after a wooden retaining wall failed on May 4. The wall, located on the riverbank, had formed a barrier to prevent flooding of the property. However, water levels were well within the historical average for spring flooding in the area.
On May 5, the basement of the home on Gondola Point was flooded by about 0.5 metres of water.
The table below describes the period of flooding and the peak water levels reached on the lower Saint John River.
Location Flood Level(m) Period of Flooding Peak Water Level(m) Time of Peak Water Level
Fredericton 6.5 07:00 May 3 to 07:00 May 6 6.75 11:00 May 3
Maugerville 5.8 07:00 May 4 to 07:00 May 6 5.85 07:00 May 4
Jemseg 4.3 07:00 May 3 to 07:00 May 14 4.90 07:00 May 6
Indiantown 4.4 Below flood level 4.06 07:00 May 8
Table 3 - May 3-14, 1997 Flood Water Levels on Lower Saint John River
The owner of the home at Gondola Point estimated damages in the order of $1 000 to the contents of the basement, principally electric and manual tools.