Flood Details - 1995-01-16 - 1995-01-22
Ice jam
Mild Weather
Mild Weather
Affected Areas
Saint John River Basin: Very mild temperatures occurred on January 15 and 16th, and rain fell on January 15 to the 17th. After January 16, temperatures declined to within a few degrees of freezing and weather remained overcast for the next week, with some precipitation continuing to fall. The mild weather allowed runoff from snowmelt and rain to continue.
Flows increased greatly on many rivers, but only minor flooding occurred. Peak flows in the Saint John River Basin occurred between January 19 and January 22. Water levels on the Kennebecasis River rose to near flood level following the mild spell. Some large ice jams formed which began to freeze into place as temperatures dropped, causing concern that spring floods could be exacerbated if the jams persisted until spring breakup.
Ice runs occurred on Big Presque Isle Stream, and the Saint John, Meduxnekeag, Kennebecasis, Hammond, Nerepis, Cannan, Tobique, Salmon (Victoria County), and Oromocto rivers, with small ice jams occurring on the latter three. Several large ice jams, and numerous small ice jams or ice accumulations also formed on the Upper Saint John River between Dickey, Maine, and Edmundston.
A large ice jam formed on the Saint John River at Lower Becaguimec Island after much of the ice cover ran downstream of Beechwood Dam. The jam formed on April 18 and extended upstream of Hartland, surrounding the Hartland covered bridge with broken ice. Water levels rose to near flood level in Hartland.
On the South Oromocto River at Blissville, a farmer witnessed the ice run when it occurred on the night of January 16. A neighbor had warned him by telephone that the ice was running on the river. He described it as a "wall of ice about six feet high, rolling and tumbling down across the field". The water reached to the edge of his barn after the ice run passed.
No major flood damages were reported. The farmer in Blissville estimated he could lose 50% of his hay crop from winter kill, and that it could take two weeks to clear the driftwood from his fields.