Flood Details - 1949-03-23 - 1949-03-24
Wards Creek
Sussex Corner
Sussex Corner
Mild Weather
Mild Weather
Affected Areas
In Kings County, many roads sustained heavy damage as melting snow resulted in many minor washouts.
Sussex Area: At Sussex, Kirk Brook overflowed its banks and flooded low-lying fields. The Royal Bank of Canada building was barricaded with gravel to prevent water from Ward's Creek from entering the cellar.
Trout Creek overflowed its banks near Sussex Corner, sending water up to the main highway.
Temperatures dropped late in the day, and by midnight on March 24, all brooks and streams in the Sussex area were back within their banks except for a few exceptionally low spots.
Mild weather resulting in melting snow and ice.
No information was presented on the flood magnitude.
No estimates or detailed descriptions of the flood damage were presented.