Flood Details - 1951-04-05 - 1951-04-14
Ice jam
Heavy rain
Heavy rain
Affected Areas
Saint John River Basin: In the Saint John River Basin, a serious ice jam occurred at Connors which backed up water for about 10 miles [approx. 16km]. Heavy erosion resulted in this area. In Connors, three homes were moved and roads were washed out. Some flooding of basements was reported at Fort Kent, Maine. At Baker Brook, Madawaska County, the floodwaters were reported to have risen seven feet [2.1m], and approached to within about six feet [1.8m] of the Temiscouata Railway line at one location.
Ice jams were reported above Fredericton at Long's Creek and at Crock's Point. The jam at Crock's Point caused undermining of about 300 yards [approx. 2 740m] of C.N.R. track in the McKinley Flats area.
Restigouche River Basin: In the Restigouche River Basin, an ice jam occurred at the railway bridge across the main river below Matapedia. As a result of the ice jam, the C.N.R. line was under water. Many buildings and homes in Matapedia had flooded basements. Roads in the vicinity of Matapedia were inundated and the highway from Campbellton to Matapedia was closed to traffic for a period of time as it was submerged under three feet [0.9m] of water. Washouts occurred along the C.N.R.'s Gaspé line.
Miramichi River Basin: The freshet on the Miramichi River resulted in traffic interruptions. An ice jam occurred near the Quarryville underpass and was responsible for inundating Route #8.
Saint John River Basin: The ice jam at Connors was said to have caused in the order of $15 000 damage to a gravel pit. Losses were also reported to have occurred to several farmhouses in this area.
Restigouche River Basin: The floodwaters at Matapedia caused property damage in the order of $50 000. The damage to the C.N.R. lines was estimated to be about 50% of this figure.