Flood Details - 1951-02-07 - 1951-02-08
Wards Creek
Wards Creek
Ice jam
Mild Weather
Heavy rain
Mild Weather
Heavy rain
Affected Areas
Throughout Kings County, 24 hours of rapidly changing weather disrupted electrical service, flooded roads, homes and damaged buildings.
Kennebecasis River Basin: At Norton, the highways were under water at some points, and the street leading into Norton was covered by more than one foot of water. Other streets in the community were also under water and several homes were surrounded, and in some instances had water on the ground floors. The flooding in Norton was reported to be the results of an ice jam located two miles [approx.3.2km] downstream of the community.
In Sussex, Ward's Creek and Kirk Brook were higher than the other streams in the area. Floodwaters from Ward's Creek flowed across O'Connell Park and re-entered the stream near the bridge on Highway #2. The streams were also reported "to have flowed down Magnolia Avenue onto Main Street, thence by Harold T. Bell and Sons back to its original course".
Roads at Berwick, Plumweseep and several other points were reported to be under water but no serious damage resulted.
The flooded rivers were said "to be fed by the 12 inches [approx. 30cm] of snow which had fallen the previous Sunday, and which disappeared completely under the combined attack of the rain and high temperatures".