Flood Details - 1892-01-04 - 1892-01-04
Red Bank, Northumb
Red Bank, Northumb
Ice jam
Heavy rain
Heavy rain
Affected Areas
Miramichi River Basin: Heavy rains caused the ice to run on the Northwest Miramichi River, Little Southwest Miramichi River, and then Southwest Miramichi River. The freshet and ice jams were reported to have damaged farmland and crops, two bridges, and a mill. The flooding appeared to be most severe on the Northwest and Little Southwest Miramichi rivers.
On the Northwest Miramichi River, the bridge across the Sevogle River was carried away, and the south abutment of the bridge at Red Bank was undermined. The abutment, and bridge span it was supporting, fell into the river. At Whitneyville, the ice ran in the mill stream, damaging both the dam and mill. It was reported that the mill was nearly cut in two, and much of the mill machinery was damaged. Fences were destroyed, meadows flooded, and much hay was lost or ruined on the farmland.
On the Little Southwest Miramichi River, several large ice jams were reported. The largest ice jam lodged at a location known as the Sugary Bass. The farms of Mr. James Somers and Mr. John Murphy were reported to be completely submerged in water and ice. Most of the fencing was destroyed, and it was feared the land would likely be damaged from the flooding. The bridge across the Little Southwest Miramichi River was not damaged by the tremendous run of ice.
On the Southwest Miramichi River, the ice broke up and carried with it blocks of the Southwest Boom. The ice piled up at the railway bridge, with the ice below the bridge remaining firm.
Heavy rain, ice jams.
Reports said the ice cracked about three feet above the bridge at Red Bank, and swept the bridge abutment with it. Residents of Lyttleton on the Little Southwest Miramichi stated "the ice freshet was the largest ever witnessed at this time of the year".
Farms suffered losses as a result of damaged fences, flooded meadows, and destroyed hay crops. It was estimated that over 100 tons of hay were lost or damaged. One bridge was destroyed, and another badly damaged. A mill was seriously damaged in the Whitneyville area.