Flood Details - 1896-04-23 - 1896-05-05
Grand Falls
Saint John
Grand Falls
Saint John
Ice jam
Mild Weather
Heavy rain
Mild Weather
Heavy rain
Affected Areas
Saint John River Basin: A larger run of ice than normal caused several ice jams which backed up water for short periods of time. On April 23, an ice jam on the Green River broke and the surge of water submerged the C.P.R. tracks to a depth of five feet [1.5m]. The C.P. R Bridge at St. Leonard upstream of Grand Falls was reported to have collapsed.
On April 23, an ice jam occurred at the head of Hallett's Island, near Douglas. Several washouts were reported to highways in the Nashwaak Valley. The Northern and Western Railway trains were delayed by a washout at Zionville Station. The traffic was almost entirely suspended in the Maugerville-Sheffield area. Highways and interval lands were reported as being under water and ice for miles. The mails to the area had been cancelled.
On April 22, large ice flows were reported at Indiantown and the water was over many of the wharves. A number of warehouses were inundated including the Tapley coal shed.
On April 29, the water was reported as having been up on the railway tracks and roadway at the foot of Main Street in Indiantown.
Miramichi River Basin: Along the Northwest Branch Miramichi, the ice carried out a large number of logs but these were recovered by placing of booms at the highway bridge near Sinclair. On the Southwest Branch Miramichi, the covered bridge at Doaktown was driven off its piers by ice, while the Mill Creek bridge below Stewart's Mill was damaged.
Restigouche River Basin: About May 3, the freshet began on the Restigouche River and its tributaries. A bridge was swept away along the Upsalquitch River near Robinsonville. Flooding was also occurring in the Village of Matapedia, Quebec.
On May 4, an ice jam at Dawsons rafting ground (Dawsonville, Restigouche County) was backing water up into the Anglican Church. Several families on the east bank of the Upsalquitch River above Robinsonville were compelled to move from their homes. At Morris Settlement, the Mowat's mill and cookhouse were completely turned around by the freshet.
On May 5, ice swept away the bridge at Matapedia and blocked the tracks. Residents of Matapedia were forced to evacuate their houses by boat.
Mild weather, warm spring rains and ice jams.
Newspapers reported it to be a greater than normal ice run.
A large quantity of logs was lost in the upper Saint John River Valley, Restigouche River and Miramichi River basins. Several bridges were lost as well, and boom piers were damaged throughout the northern portion of the Province.