Flood Details - 1902-03-17 - 1902-03-23
Coles Island, Queens Co.
Second Falls
St. George
Albert Mines
Bear Island
St. Martins
Saint John
Turtle Creek
Nashwaak Bridge
Second Falls
St. George
Albert Mines
Bear Island
St. Martins
Saint John
Turtle Creek
Nashwaak Bridge
Ice jam
Mild Weather
Heavy rain
Mild Weather
Heavy rain
Affected Areas
Saint John River Basin: This was reported to be one of the earliest spring breakups in history. Opening of the Saint John River for navigation was the earliest on record, exceeding the previous record set on April 2, 1862.
An ice jam that caused some flooding was reported upstream of Edmundston. The Madawaska River was reported as overflowing its banks and running though the Main Street of Edmundston to the Saint John River. Washouts occurred on the Temiscouata Railway near Edmundston.
A highway washout occurred at Andover.
A severe ice jam at Hartland lasted two days. The water rose to a height at which it covered the walkway of the bridge. The lower street was completely under water and the basements of stores along Main Street were inundated. The contents, mainly general merchandise, were ruined. The Keith and Plumber Cheese Factory was swept off its foundation. The Shaw and Estys Mill [about 1.6km], a mile below Hartland, was also moved from its foundation.
Ice jams occurred at Newburg Junction (north of Woodstock) at Hawkshaw and from Bear Island to Springhill. These ice jams backed up water flooding the Barony and the road to Woodstock Crossing, destroying the Norton Dale Bridge.
The bridges across Long's Creek and Kelly's Creek were also destroyed. About two feet [0.6m] of water was reported over the deck of the covered bridge at the Mouth of Keswick. A bridge at Upper Keswick was carried away. All of the islands just upstream of Fredericton were inundated and about 20 barns were reported as being swept away. At McNally's Ferry, a family was forced to vacate their home due to the flood waters.
At Fredericton, several buildings along the river banks were flooded.
In the Nashwaak Valley, an ice jam occurred at McConnall's and the railway bridge upstream of Marysville was damaged slightly by the ice run. An ice and log jam formed at Stanley and lasted for several days. When this jam broke, large areas of Stanley and downstream were flooded. One life was lost at Nashwaak Bridge when this jam gave way. A 175 foot [approximately 53m] steel bridge, several smaller bridges and a mill dam were swept away. Telephone lines were out and the Canadian Eastern Railway was forced to cancel due to the inundation of the rail lines.
In the Lincoln, Maugerville and Sheffield areas, highways and the interval lands were inundated. It was feared losses would be heavy since no attempts were made to move anything in the homes and barns. The Burpee Mill Stream bridge behind Sheffield was carried away.
Highways, railroads and bridges were also damaged in the Welsford, Hoyt and Blissville areas. The piles of a railway bridge, 10 miles [approximately 16km] east of Bailey were broken by ice. C.P.R. lines were washed out at Enniskillen and Clarendon.
Several washouts occurred along the Central Railway near Chipman. The Salmon River, near Chipman, was also attributed with the destruction and damage to several highway bridges. Some logs and a small shed at the C.M. Bostwick & Co. mill were lost, and enough damage occurred to seriously interfere with the operations.
About six-tenths of the Central Railway bridge crossing Washademoak Lake was destroyed. The highway bridge across the Canaan River at Coles Island was carried away as well as Forbes Bridge, about 14 miles [approx. 22km] upstream at the Forks.
Along the Kennebecasis River and its tributaries reports of damage were recorded. At Dunsinane, three miles [about 5km] from Penobsquis, a small washout was reported along the Inter-Colonial Railway, while at Plumweseep, a washout resulted in a train derailment. A fairly large highway bridge was swept away at Penobsquis. In the vicinity of Sussex, washouts of highways and bridges occurred, and many cellars were inundated. The Government Grounds, at Sussex , suffered heavy erosion. At Roachville, on Smith Creek, many logs and piles of wood were swept away. A bridge over Salmon Creek, near Roachville, was damaged. At Lower Millstream, considerable damage occurred when the mill dam burst. The flood of water carried out a new bridge, inundated the mills and the roads, isolating many families. The highways and bridges in the vicinity of Norton were damaged or swept away. Also,washouts were reported in the area near Hampton.
At Indiantown, practically all of Bridge Street below Glasier's warehouse was under water as well as the Public Wharf. Timber was reported as being adrift in South Bay.
Miramichi River Basin: In the Miramichi River Basin, the freshet forced cancellation of all Canada Eastern trains between Chatham and Doaktown as well as between Doaktown and Fredericton. The railway line was under water as McNamee and Boiestown.
Ice jams were reported at Barnaby's Island, Washburn Island near Blackville, and against the Canadian Eastern Railway bridge at Doaktown. The ice jam at Barnaby's Island was reported to be 50 feet high [15m] and about three miles [4.8km] long. This jam also resulted in flooding of the Millerton wharf to a depth of several feet, and in damage to buildings and steamers.
Several bridges were washed out or damaged, a number of cattle were drowned on the intervals and large quantities of lumber were lost. The bridge at the mouth of the Taxis River was damaged as well as the Barnaby River Bridge. The Campbellton Bridge, three miles [4.8km] upstream of Boiestown, and the Porter Cove Bridge were carried away. On the Cains River, ice swept away some logs.
A portion of Doaktown was inundated, and at Millerton, destruction was quite extensive. The Miller's Mill was badly damaged. J.C. Miller's warehouse, located on the wharf, was swept away. Steamers at the wharf were capsized and boom blocks were badly damaged.
Southeastern New Brunswick: In Kent County, several rivers were reported to be in flood. A new bridge at Carlisle Mines, on Coal Branch, tributary of the Richibucto River, was carried away. The MacWilliam Bridge, at Mill ( Branch) Creek, was damaged when the centre span was carried away. Along the Buctouche River, the freshet carried away lumber belonging to the Coates Lumber Manufacturing Company. Several bridges were washed out along the Cocagne River.
These bridges were at Notre Dame, Poirier's and at Northwest. At Notre Dame, about two million board feet [4 720 m3] of lumber were lost when booms broke.
In the Moncton area, the Salisbury and Harvey Railway was washed out at Turtle Creek. A highway washout was reported between Hillsborough and Albert Mines. At Hillsborough, a large bridge above Osman Lake was reported to have been carried away.
In Saint John County, the Salmon River Mill property near St. Martin's was damaged considerably when the dam broke. A great quantity of lumber was also swept away. Streams in the vicinity of Little River, Loch Lomond and Mispec were reported to be 'bank full'. In some cases, the banks were overtopped and large tracts of land inundated.
Musquash River Basin: The highway bridge, at Clinch's Mill, along the Musquash River was reported to be in danger.
The swollen waters of the Lepreau River were reported to have carried away a highway bridge as well as J. A. Gregory's mill dam. About three million board feet [7 080 m3] of logs were swept away.
Magaguadavic River Basin: The Shore Line Railway, along the Magaguadavic River near St. George and at Linton's Stream was submerged with washouts occurring in some sections. At Brockway, the Upper Trout Bridge and approaches were submerged. At Second Falls, families were forced to vacate residences near the river. The Young's highway bridge was carried off its piers and downstream against the railway bridge causing some damage.
At St. George, a portion of Manor Road was inundated.
Unusually early break up due to high temperatures, heavy rains in the southern portion of the Province lasting about 40 hours, and ice jams.
Heavy rains, particularly in southern New Brunswick, contributed to the high river stages. Four and one-quarter inches [108mm] of rain fell on Saint John over a period of 57 hours between March 17 and 20, breaking previous records.
Saint John River Basin: Extensive flooding was reported along rivers in Maine. An ice jam at Hartland caused water to reach the highest point recorded in 37 years. The Nackawic River was reported to be within three feet (0.92m) of the record freshet, and at Indiantown, the levels were about the same as those in 1901. It does not appear that flows were too great on the Saint John River, but on the Salmon and Kennebecasis Rivers, reports of a severe flood were recorded. No such freshet had occurred on the Salmon River since 1874. At Sussex, reports indicated that the flood was the most severe in 20 years. At Millstream, it was the biggest since 1867, and at Norton conditions were the worst since 1854.
Southeastern New Brunswick: The Coal Branch, tributary of the Richibucto, was reported as being six feet [1.8m] higher than ever known before.
Lepreau River Basin: Along the Lepreau River, the water level was reported as having reached the five foot mark on riverbank trees.
Magaguadavic River Basin: The Magaguadavic River was reported to be 12 inches [0.3m] higher than the flood of October, 1900.
Bridges and mills were swept away in all sections of the Province.
Southeastern New Brunswick: Estimates of bridge damage was $50,000 with the heaviest losses being in Kent County.
Saint John River Basin: One life was lost in the Nashwaak Valley when an ice jam at Stanley broke.
It was reported that a traveller on board the derailed train at Plumweseep had $1,500 ruined by the floodwaters.