Flood Details - 1904-08-20 - 1904-08-21
Saint John
Saint John
Heavy rain
Affected Areas
Saint John Area: At Saint John, the heavy rainfall was reported to have caused extensive damage to many city streets.
A washout was reported on the New Brunswick Southern Railway near Duck Road.
The Mispec Stream was reported to be swollen to freshet levels which resulted in extensive damage. At Mispec, forty feet [approx. 12 m] of the culvert at Blacklock's store were swept away, the Barus Bridge was swept into the Bay of Fundy, and the approaches to Thomas Bridge were damaged.
The roads between Mispec and Saint John were damaged and reports stated that nearly every culvert in the vicinity had been affected.
Heavy, intense rainfall.
The rainfall was described as being unprecedented at Saint John, 3.80 inches of rain were recorded between 3:45 p.m. August 20 and 2:00 a.m. on the 21st.
The volume of water in the Mispec Stream was described as having exceeded any previously known freshet. The stream was reported to have reached its peak in a six hour period.
The only documented damage figure presented was that of $150 to repair the washed out approaches of the Thomas Bridge at Mispec.