Flood Details - 1911-07-22 - 1911-07-22
Heavy rain
Debris jams
Debris jams
Affected Areas
Miramichi River Basin: At Chatham, the heavy rainfall overtaxed drainage systems resulting in some flooded streets and sidewalks. A brook, which flowed between the A.J. Loggie and the Hoffman stores, was reported to be blocked with debris and had overflowed its banks in the vicinity of the Hoffman Store. The yards at the rear of the A.J. Loggie and the Yerxa Company stores were flooded to a depth of one foot. Two warehouses were flooded and considerable flour and other stock were damaged.
Heavy rainfall, some debris jams.
A rainfall of 1.10 inches [28 mm] was recorded, and the accounts stated that "this occurred in a comparatively short space of time". Other reports stated that "more than an inch of rain fell in two or three minutes", and that it was "the heaviest rainstorm in recent years". It was also reported that similar floods had occurred before, and that work should be done to improve the situation.
No estimates of damage were presented.