Flood Details - 1913-03-22 - 1913-03-25
Barnaby River
Barnaby River
Ice jam
Mild Weather
Heavy rain
Mild Weather
Heavy rain
Affected Areas
On 22nd March, one of the earliest spring break-ups in the history of New Brunswick was experienced in central parts of the province.
Saint John River Basin: A highway bridge over North Forks tributary of the Keswick River at Stoneridge was carried away. It was reported that the bridge at Mactaquac had been destroyed. At Fredericton, the pier on the south side of the draw span collapsed, taking the deck span with it. This was caused by the heavy run of ice.
At the western junction of York and Sunbury Counties in the Rusagonish and Beaver Dam District, swollen streams flooded roads. On the Nashwaak River, flooding affected traffic on the Canada Eastern Branch of the Intercolonial Railway. An ice jam in the east of Durham Station caused three to four feet of water over the railway tracks. The Edward Parington Company of Marysville reported loss of logs due to the flood. The manager of the company, Mr E.B. Staples noted 50 to 70 feet of the company's dam at Marysville was swept away by the Nashwaak River.
In Woodstock, the telephone lines were down and workmen had a hard time to make repairs owing to the wide area being flooded. The Red Bridge was destroyed by an ice jam. Joseph Faulkner lost his cattle and a building he used as a store house. The store house contained 200 bushels of oats, a large quantity of pork, and other goods. The building was torn from its foundation and moved fifty yards by the flood water.
Miramichi River Basin: On 23rd March, an ice jam was formed at the Barnaby River highway bridge near Chatham. The centre span of the structure was swept away. Barnaby River was reported as being well over its banks. The freshet took out the supports under the bridge at Blackville, causing it to tilt to one side, and it was closed to traffic. Trains could not cross from Fredericton to Chatham. They were forced to detour by way of the Indiantown Branch to Blackville.
The Connors Bridge across the Salmon River 5 miles above Chipman in Queens County was swept away by the flood.
Southeastern New Brunswick: No serious damage occurred in Kent County. The stock in Atkinson's Store at Richibucto had to be removed. The cattle in this area were moved from the barns and taken to higher ground. Roads were inundated at many locations, and the stage mails were delayed for several days.
Snowmelt from mild temperatures and heavy rain caused ice jam flooding.
Miramichi River Basin: The Barnaby River was reported as "never being so high in the past".
On 22nd March, the Saint John River came up 26 inches.
Severe damages resulted from ice jam flooding. A number of highway bridges were swept away by the flood and railway lines suffered severe damages. In some areas families had to flee for their lives.
In Andover, there was considerable damage and monetary loss when the ice carried a new steel span that had been erected alongside the C.P.R. bridge across the St. John River.
Damage to the highway bridge at Fredericton was estimated as being in the order of $30,000.