Flood Details - 1921-04-01 - 1921-04-30
Ice jam
Affected Areas
Saint John River Basin: Heavy flooding occurred along the C.P.R. line at Bailey. The covered bridge at Hartland was lifted from its piers by rising water and ice.
Miramichi River Basin: A heavy freshet occurred on the Southwest Miramichi River on the night of April 4. The freshet brought large quantities of ice downstream, which formed an ice jam at Parker's Shore. Logs that were stored on the rafting grounds were carried downstream when the jam broke, and over 1 000 000 feet [2 360 m3]of logs were reported adrift in the Miramichi River. Problems were also encountered at Douglastown Dairies.
Spring freshet with some ice jams.
No reports of serious flooding were documented.
It was expected that most of the lost logs would be recovered downstream, where they were reported to be floating up and down the river with the tide.